
I’m Arturo Rodriguez, and I am excited to share a glimpse into my world and the impactful work I do. Born and raised in a farmworker community, my identity which includes being a father, a son, a community leader, a resource and a trusted messenger is intricately woven into the fabric of our farmworker communities.

At the core of my passion is the drive to champion community building, self-sufficiency, youth leadership and improved health outcomes for farmworkers and rural communities. These are not just lofty goals for me; they are the heartbeat of my existence. I intimately understand the complexities that our communities face because I’ve lived them.   As a child I remember my parents encouraging me to do well in school while my mom packed my dad’s lunch at 3am.  I spent my summers working in the field with my parents to make ends meet and learned the deep-rooted connections and relationships farmworkers share.

My organization, Central Valley Empowerment Alliance, is dedicated to creating positive change, fostering self-reliance, and ensuring better health outcomes for farmworkers through community organizing and policy advocacy. During the height of the pandemic those communities we served achieved the highest vaccination rates in the region, a real testament to the effectiveness of our community organizing model.  This work is not just a job for me; it’s a calling rooted in my own experiences.  As a son of immigrant farm workers, whose community defines statistics for being disadvantaged, I have a deep-seated commitment to making a difference.

The “Together Toward Equity” Fellowship caught my eye because it presented an opportunity to amplify my impact. I was drawn to the prospect of acquiring new tools and knowledge that could be harnessed to bring about positive change in my communities. This experience is not just about personal growth; it’s about enriching my ability to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of those I serve.

During the first phase of the Fellowship, we focused on learning about ourselves, our styles, our natural way of being and using assessments and experts to expand our own knowledge.

This section allowed me to delve into my experience with completing the assessments (MBTI & DiSC). My journey was one of curiosity and wonder as I questioned my leadership style and wondered about its effectiveness.

  • Is my way of approaching problem solving working?
  • Am I managing staff in a way that fosters community development?
  • How do others perceive my leadership?

All questions I’ve had.  Completing the assessments, and especially the breakout group discussions allowed time and space to sit with these questions and connect with my findings.

As a visionary, I initially struggled to fit into workplaces where questioning and change were discouraged at times. However, understanding my true gifts and qualities including: innovation, out of the box thinking, being my true self and passion has enabled me to tailor these qualities to my management style effectively. During the assessments, honesty was key, and I realized there was no right or wrong answer, which fostered confidence in my responses.

I had a sense that my work style involved big picture thinking but also focused on immediate actions to reach future goals. This realization connected seamlessly with my findings and opened doors for my current leadership development. Identifying with the inspired innovator’s category (ENTP) of MBTI, I acknowledged my inclination to find new solutions to challenging problems. However, I also learned the importance of considering how my enthusiasm might be perceived as inattentive or unempathetic by others and the need to pay special attention to my response to how colleagues and those I interact with might be feeling.

The initial phase of the Fellowship has deeply impacted me and my approach to leading my team. Gaining insights into my leadership style has allowed me to be more intentional in addressing specific areas, such as taking the time to ensure I was conveying my true feelings about why I choose to do the work we do at Central Valley Empowerment Alliance. Serving my community requires not only competence but also a big heart and demonstrated courage to inspire those around me.

I’ve taken the time to practice and implement alternative ways of communicating in both my professional and personal life. Purposeful leadership has become a conscious effort, ensuring a balanced approach to my areas of strength. The impact on my work is evident in the space I’ve created with my coworkers. My colleagues have shared with me that they now feel that I value the importance of collective contributions to our shared success.

Being part of the first-ever Together Toward Equity Fellowship has been an exhilarating journey. As we wrap up the initial phase, my excitement has only intensified. I can’t wait to delve into the upcoming learnings and contribute to shaping a more equitable future for our communities. This first phase has undeniably set the table for robust engagement in future learnings and my personal leadership development. The Fellowship has already played a significant role in my growth, and I’m eager to see how the bar will be raised even higher in the next phase.

As I navigate my leadership style, I’m conscious of the interplay with elements of my identity, a father, a son, a community leader, a resource and a trusted messenger. Understanding my leadership style and its impact on the work around me is an ongoing process, and with time, I am committed to evolving into a better version of myself.

I am dedicated to fostering a balanced approach in my work style and behaviors, ensuring that the lessons learned during this Fellowship become integral to my leadership journey. The future holds endless possibilities, and I am ready to embrace them with enthusiasm and a commitment to continuous growth both within myself and at the Central Valley Empowerment Alliance.